
xmlwriter - text writing API for XML

text writing API for XML

Author(s): Alfred Mickautsch <alfred@mickautsch.de>


#define xmlTextWriterWriteDocType;
#define xmlTextWriterWriteProcessingInstruction;
typedef struct _xmlTextWriter xmlTextWriter;
typedef xmlTextWriter * xmlTextWriterPtr;
void	xmlFreeTextWriter		(xmlTextWriterPtr writer);
xmlTextWriterPtr	xmlNewTextWriter	(xmlOutputBufferPtr out);
xmlTextWriterPtr	xmlNewTextWriterDoc	(xmlDocPtr * doc, 
int compression); xmlTextWriterPtr xmlNewTextWriterFilename (const char * uri,
int compression); xmlTextWriterPtr xmlNewTextWriterMemory (xmlBufferPtr buf,
int compression); xmlTextWriterPtr xmlNewTextWriterPushParser (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt,
int compression); xmlTextWriterPtr xmlNewTextWriterTree (xmlDocPtr doc,
xmlNodePtr node,
int compression); int xmlTextWriterEndAttribute (xmlTextWriterPtr writer); int xmlTextWriterEndCDATA (xmlTextWriterPtr writer); int xmlTextWriterEndComment (xmlTextWriterPtr writer); int xmlTextWriterEndDTD (xmlTextWriterPtr writer); int xmlTextWriterEndDTDAttlist (xmlTextWriterPtr writer); int xmlTextWriterEndDTDElement (xmlTextWriterPtr writer); int xmlTextWriterEndDTDEntity (xmlTextWriterPtr writer); int xmlTextWriterEndDocument (xmlTextWriterPtr writer); int xmlTextWriterEndElement (xmlTextWriterPtr writer); int xmlTextWriterEndPI (xmlTextWriterPtr writer); int xmlTextWriterFlush (xmlTextWriterPtr writer); int xmlTextWriterFullEndElement (xmlTextWriterPtr writer); int xmlTextWriterSetIndent (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
int indent); int xmlTextWriterSetIndentString (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
const xmlChar * str); int xmlTextWriterSetQuoteChar (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
xmlChar quotechar); int xmlTextWriterStartAttribute (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
const xmlChar * name); int xmlTextWriterStartAttributeNS (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
const xmlChar * prefix,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * namespaceURI); int xmlTextWriterStartCDATA (xmlTextWriterPtr writer); int xmlTextWriterStartComment (xmlTextWriterPtr writer); int xmlTextWriterStartDTD (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * pubid,
const xmlChar * sysid); int xmlTextWriterStartDTDAttlist (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
const xmlChar * name); int xmlTextWriterStartDTDElement (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
const xmlChar * name); int xmlTextWriterStartDTDEntity (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
int pe,
const xmlChar * name); int xmlTextWriterStartDocument (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
const char * version,
const char * encoding,
const char * standalone); int xmlTextWriterStartElement (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
const xmlChar * name); int xmlTextWriterStartElementNS (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
const xmlChar * prefix,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * namespaceURI); int xmlTextWriterStartPI (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
const xmlChar * target); int xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * content); int xmlTextWriterWriteAttributeNS (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
const xmlChar * prefix,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * namespaceURI,
const xmlChar * content); int xmlTextWriterWriteBase64 (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
const char * data,
int start,
int len); int xmlTextWriterWriteBinHex (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
const char * data,
int start,
int len); int xmlTextWriterWriteCDATA (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
const xmlChar * content); int xmlTextWriterWriteComment (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
const xmlChar * content); int xmlTextWriterWriteDTD (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * pubid,
const xmlChar * sysid,
const xmlChar * subset); int xmlTextWriterWriteDTDAttlist (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * content); int xmlTextWriterWriteDTDElement (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * content); int xmlTextWriterWriteDTDEntity (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
int pe,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * pubid,
const xmlChar * sysid,
const xmlChar * ndataid,
const xmlChar * content); int xmlTextWriterWriteDTDExternalEntity (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
int pe,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * pubid,
const xmlChar * sysid,
const xmlChar * ndataid); int xmlTextWriterWriteDTDExternalEntityContents (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
const xmlChar * pubid,
const xmlChar * sysid,
const xmlChar * ndataid); int xmlTextWriterWriteDTDInternalEntity (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
int pe,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * content); int xmlTextWriterWriteDTDNotation (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * pubid,
const xmlChar * sysid); int xmlTextWriterWriteElement (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * content); int xmlTextWriterWriteElementNS (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
const xmlChar * prefix,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * namespaceURI,
const xmlChar * content); int xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
const xmlChar * name,
const char * format,
... ...); int xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttributeNS (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
const xmlChar * prefix,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * namespaceURI,
const char * format,
... ...); int xmlTextWriterWriteFormatCDATA (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
const char * format,
... ...); int xmlTextWriterWriteFormatComment (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
const char * format,
... ...); int xmlTextWriterWriteFormatDTD (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * pubid,
const xmlChar * sysid,
const char * format,
... ...); int xmlTextWriterWriteFormatDTDAttlist (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
const xmlChar * name,
const char * format,
... ...); int xmlTextWriterWriteFormatDTDElement (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
const xmlChar * name,
const char * format,
... ...); int xmlTextWriterWriteFormatDTDInternalEntity (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
int pe,
const xmlChar * name,
const char * format,
... ...); int xmlTextWriterWriteFormatElement (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
const xmlChar * name,
const char * format,
... ...); int xmlTextWriterWriteFormatElementNS (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
const xmlChar * prefix,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * namespaceURI,
const char * format,
... ...); int xmlTextWriterWriteFormatPI (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
const xmlChar * target,
const char * format,
... ...); int xmlTextWriterWriteFormatRaw (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
const char * format,
... ...); int xmlTextWriterWriteFormatString (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
const char * format,
... ...); int xmlTextWriterWritePI (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
const xmlChar * target,
const xmlChar * content); int xmlTextWriterWriteRaw (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
const xmlChar * content); int xmlTextWriterWriteRawLen (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
const xmlChar * content,
int len); int xmlTextWriterWriteString (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
const xmlChar * content); int xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatAttribute (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
const xmlChar * name,
const char * format,
va_list argptr); int xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatAttributeNS (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
const xmlChar * prefix,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * namespaceURI,
const char * format,
va_list argptr); int xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatCDATA (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
const char * format,
va_list argptr); int xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatComment (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
const char * format,
va_list argptr); int xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatDTD (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * pubid,
const xmlChar * sysid,
const char * format,
va_list argptr); int xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatDTDAttlist (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
const xmlChar * name,
const char * format,
va_list argptr); int xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatDTDElement (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
const xmlChar * name,
const char * format,
va_list argptr); int xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatDTDInternalEntity (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
int pe,
const xmlChar * name,
const char * format,
va_list argptr); int xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatElement (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
const xmlChar * name,
const char * format,
va_list argptr); int xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatElementNS (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
const xmlChar * prefix,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * namespaceURI,
const char * format,
va_list argptr); int xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatPI (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
const xmlChar * target,
const char * format,
va_list argptr); int xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatRaw (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
const char * format,
va_list argptr); int xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatString (xmlTextWriterPtr writer,
const char * format,
va_list argptr);



Macro xmlTextWriterWriteDocType

#define xmlTextWriterWriteDocType;

this macro maps to xmlTextWriterWriteDTD

Macro xmlTextWriterWriteProcessingInstruction

#define xmlTextWriterWriteProcessingInstruction;

This macro maps to xmlTextWriterWritePI

Structure xmlTextWriter

struct _xmlTextWriter {
The content of this structure is not made public by the API.
} xmlTextWriter;

Typedef xmlTextWriterPtr

xmlTextWriter * xmlTextWriterPtr;

xmlFreeTextWriter ()

void	xmlFreeTextWriter		(xmlTextWriterPtr writer)

Deallocate all the resources associated to the writer

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr

xmlNewTextWriter ()

xmlTextWriterPtr	xmlNewTextWriter	(xmlOutputBufferPtr out)

Create a new xmlNewTextWriter structure using an xmlOutputBufferPtr NOTE: the @out parameter will be deallocated when the writer is closed (if the call succeed.)

out: an xmlOutputBufferPtr
Returns: the new xmlTextWriterPtr or NULL in case of error

xmlNewTextWriterDoc ()

xmlTextWriterPtr	xmlNewTextWriterDoc	(xmlDocPtr * doc, 
int compression)

Create a new xmlNewTextWriter structure with @*doc as output

doc: address of a xmlDocPtr to hold the new XML document tree
compression: compress the output?
Returns: the new xmlTextWriterPtr or NULL in case of error

xmlNewTextWriterFilename ()

xmlTextWriterPtr	xmlNewTextWriterFilename	(const char * uri, 
int compression)

Create a new xmlNewTextWriter structure with @uri as output

uri: the URI of the resource for the output
compression: compress the output?
Returns: the new xmlTextWriterPtr or NULL in case of error

xmlNewTextWriterMemory ()

xmlTextWriterPtr	xmlNewTextWriterMemory	(xmlBufferPtr buf, 
int compression)

Create a new xmlNewTextWriter structure with @buf as output TODO: handle compression

buf: xmlBufferPtr
compression: compress the output?
Returns: the new xmlTextWriterPtr or NULL in case of error

xmlNewTextWriterPushParser ()

xmlTextWriterPtr	xmlNewTextWriterPushParser	(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, 
int compression)

Create a new xmlNewTextWriter structure with @ctxt as output NOTE: the @ctxt context will be freed with the resulting writer (if the call succeeds). TODO: handle compression

ctxt: xmlParserCtxtPtr to hold the new XML document tree
compression: compress the output?
Returns: the new xmlTextWriterPtr or NULL in case of error

xmlNewTextWriterTree ()

xmlTextWriterPtr	xmlNewTextWriterTree	(xmlDocPtr doc, 
xmlNodePtr node,
int compression)

Create a new xmlNewTextWriter structure with @doc as output starting at @node

doc: xmlDocPtr
node: xmlNodePtr or NULL for doc->children
compression: compress the output?
Returns: the new xmlTextWriterPtr or NULL in case of error

xmlTextWriterEndAttribute ()

int	xmlTextWriterEndAttribute	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer)

End the current xml element.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterEndCDATA ()

int	xmlTextWriterEndCDATA		(xmlTextWriterPtr writer)

End an xml CDATA section.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterEndComment ()

int	xmlTextWriterEndComment		(xmlTextWriterPtr writer)

End the current xml comment.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterEndDTD ()

int	xmlTextWriterEndDTD		(xmlTextWriterPtr writer)

End an xml DTD.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterEndDTDAttlist ()

int	xmlTextWriterEndDTDAttlist	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer)

End an xml DTD attribute list.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterEndDTDElement ()

int	xmlTextWriterEndDTDElement	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer)

End an xml DTD element.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterEndDTDEntity ()

int	xmlTextWriterEndDTDEntity	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer)

End an xml DTD entity.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterEndDocument ()

int	xmlTextWriterEndDocument	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer)

End an xml document. All open elements are closed, and the content is flushed to the output.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
Returns: the bytes written or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterEndElement ()

int	xmlTextWriterEndElement		(xmlTextWriterPtr writer)

End the current xml element.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterEndPI ()

int	xmlTextWriterEndPI		(xmlTextWriterPtr writer)

End the current xml PI.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterFlush ()

int	xmlTextWriterFlush		(xmlTextWriterPtr writer)

Flush the output buffer.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterFullEndElement ()

int	xmlTextWriterFullEndElement	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer)

End the current xml element. Writes an end tag even if the element is empty

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterSetIndent ()

int	xmlTextWriterSetIndent		(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
int indent)

Set indentation output. indent = 0 do not indentation. indent > 0 do indentation.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
indent: do indentation?
Returns: -1 on error or 0 otherwise.

xmlTextWriterSetIndentString ()

int	xmlTextWriterSetIndentString	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * str)

Set string indentation.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
str: the xmlChar string
Returns: -1 on error or 0 otherwise.

xmlTextWriterSetQuoteChar ()

int	xmlTextWriterSetQuoteChar	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
xmlChar quotechar)

Set the character used for quoting attributes.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
quotechar: the quote character
Returns: -1 on error or 0 otherwise.

xmlTextWriterStartAttribute ()

int	xmlTextWriterStartAttribute	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name)

Start an xml attribute.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
name: element name
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterStartAttributeNS ()

int	xmlTextWriterStartAttributeNS	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * prefix,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * namespaceURI)

Start an xml attribute with namespace support.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
prefix: namespace prefix or NULL
name: element local name
namespaceURI: namespace URI or NULL
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterStartCDATA ()

int	xmlTextWriterStartCDATA		(xmlTextWriterPtr writer)

Start an xml CDATA section.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterStartComment ()

int	xmlTextWriterStartComment	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer)

Start an xml comment.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterStartDTD ()

int	xmlTextWriterStartDTD		(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * pubid,
const xmlChar * sysid)

Start an xml DTD.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
name: the name of the DTD
pubid: the public identifier, which is an alternative to the system identifier
sysid: the system identifier, which is the URI of the DTD
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterStartDTDAttlist ()

int	xmlTextWriterStartDTDAttlist	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name)

Start an xml DTD ATTLIST.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
name: the name of the DTD ATTLIST
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterStartDTDElement ()

int	xmlTextWriterStartDTDElement	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name)

Start an xml DTD element.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
name: the name of the DTD element
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterStartDTDEntity ()

int	xmlTextWriterStartDTDEntity	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
int pe,
const xmlChar * name)

Start an xml DTD ATTLIST.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
pe: TRUE if this is a parameter entity, FALSE if not
name: the name of the DTD ATTLIST
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterStartDocument ()

int	xmlTextWriterStartDocument	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const char * version,
const char * encoding,
const char * standalone)

Start a new xml document

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
version: the xml version ("1.0") or NULL for default ("1.0")
encoding: the encoding or NULL for default
standalone: "yes" or "no" or NULL for default
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterStartElement ()

int	xmlTextWriterStartElement	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name)

Start an xml element.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
name: element name
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterStartElementNS ()

int	xmlTextWriterStartElementNS	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * prefix,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * namespaceURI)

Start an xml element with namespace support.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
prefix: namespace prefix or NULL
name: element local name
namespaceURI: namespace URI or NULL
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterStartPI ()

int	xmlTextWriterStartPI		(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * target)

Start an xml PI.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
target: PI target
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute ()

int	xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * content)

Write an xml attribute.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
name: attribute name
content: attribute content
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterWriteAttributeNS ()

int	xmlTextWriterWriteAttributeNS	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * prefix,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * namespaceURI,
const xmlChar * content)

Write an xml attribute.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
prefix: namespace prefix
name: attribute local name
namespaceURI: namespace URI
content: attribute content
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterWriteBase64 ()

int	xmlTextWriterWriteBase64	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const char * data,
int start,
int len)

Write an base64 encoded xml text.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
data: binary data
start: the position within the data of the first byte to encode
len: the number of bytes to encode
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterWriteBinHex ()

int	xmlTextWriterWriteBinHex	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const char * data,
int start,
int len)

Write a BinHex encoded xml text.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
data: binary data
start: the position within the data of the first byte to encode
len: the number of bytes to encode
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterWriteCDATA ()

int	xmlTextWriterWriteCDATA		(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * content)

Write an xml CDATA.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
content: CDATA content
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterWriteComment ()

int	xmlTextWriterWriteComment	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * content)

Write an xml comment.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
content: comment string
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterWriteDTD ()

int	xmlTextWriterWriteDTD		(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * pubid,
const xmlChar * sysid,
const xmlChar * subset)

Write a DTD.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
name: the name of the DTD
pubid: the public identifier, which is an alternative to the system identifier
sysid: the system identifier, which is the URI of the DTD
subset: string content of the DTD
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterWriteDTDAttlist ()

int	xmlTextWriterWriteDTDAttlist	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * content)


writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
name: the name of the DTD ATTLIST
content: content of the ATTLIST
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterWriteDTDElement ()

int	xmlTextWriterWriteDTDElement	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * content)

Write a DTD element.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
name: the name of the DTD element
content: content of the element
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterWriteDTDEntity ()

int	xmlTextWriterWriteDTDEntity	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
int pe,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * pubid,
const xmlChar * sysid,
const xmlChar * ndataid,
const xmlChar * content)

Write a DTD entity.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
pe: TRUE if this is a parameter entity, FALSE if not
name: the name of the DTD entity
pubid: the public identifier, which is an alternative to the system identifier
sysid: the system identifier, which is the URI of the DTD
ndataid: the xml notation name.
content: content of the entity
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterWriteDTDExternalEntity ()

int	xmlTextWriterWriteDTDExternalEntity	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
int pe,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * pubid,
const xmlChar * sysid,
const xmlChar * ndataid)

Write a DTD external entity. The entity must have been started with xmlTextWriterStartDTDEntity

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
pe: TRUE if this is a parameter entity, FALSE if not
name: the name of the DTD entity
pubid: the public identifier, which is an alternative to the system identifier
sysid: the system identifier, which is the URI of the DTD
ndataid: the xml notation name.
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterWriteDTDExternalEntityContents ()

int	xmlTextWriterWriteDTDExternalEntityContents	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * pubid,
const xmlChar * sysid,
const xmlChar * ndataid)

Write the contents of a DTD external entity.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
pubid: the public identifier, which is an alternative to the system identifier
sysid: the system identifier, which is the URI of the DTD
ndataid: the xml notation name.
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterWriteDTDInternalEntity ()

int	xmlTextWriterWriteDTDInternalEntity	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
int pe,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * content)

Write a DTD internal entity.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
pe: TRUE if this is a parameter entity, FALSE if not
name: the name of the DTD entity
content: content of the entity
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterWriteDTDNotation ()

int	xmlTextWriterWriteDTDNotation	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * pubid,
const xmlChar * sysid)

Write a DTD entity.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
name: the name of the xml notation
pubid: the public identifier, which is an alternative to the system identifier
sysid: the system identifier, which is the URI of the DTD
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterWriteElement ()

int	xmlTextWriterWriteElement	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * content)

Write an xml element.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
name: element name
content: element content
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterWriteElementNS ()

int	xmlTextWriterWriteElementNS	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * prefix,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * namespaceURI,
const xmlChar * content)

Write an xml element with namespace support.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
prefix: namespace prefix
name: element local name
namespaceURI: namespace URI
content: element content
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute ()

int	xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name,
const char * format,
... ...)

Write a formatted xml attribute.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
name: attribute name
format: format string (see printf)
...: extra parameters for the format
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttributeNS ()

int	xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttributeNS	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * prefix,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * namespaceURI,
const char * format,
... ...)

Write a formatted xml attribute.with namespace support

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
prefix: namespace prefix
name: attribute local name
namespaceURI: namespace URI
format: format string (see printf)
...: extra parameters for the format
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterWriteFormatCDATA ()

int	xmlTextWriterWriteFormatCDATA	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const char * format,
... ...)

Write a formatted xml CDATA.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
format: format string (see printf)
...: extra parameters for the format
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterWriteFormatComment ()

int	xmlTextWriterWriteFormatComment	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const char * format,
... ...)

Write an xml comment.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
format: format string (see printf)
...: extra parameters for the format
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterWriteFormatDTD ()

int	xmlTextWriterWriteFormatDTD	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * pubid,
const xmlChar * sysid,
const char * format,
... ...)

Write a DTD with a formatted markup declarations part.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
name: the name of the DTD
pubid: the public identifier, which is an alternative to the system identifier
sysid: the system identifier, which is the URI of the DTD
format: format string (see printf)
...: extra parameters for the format
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterWriteFormatDTDAttlist ()

int	xmlTextWriterWriteFormatDTDAttlist	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name,
const char * format,
... ...)

Write a formatted DTD ATTLIST.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
name: the name of the DTD ATTLIST
format: format string (see printf)
...: extra parameters for the format
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterWriteFormatDTDElement ()

int	xmlTextWriterWriteFormatDTDElement	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name,
const char * format,
... ...)

Write a formatted DTD element.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
name: the name of the DTD element
format: format string (see printf)
...: extra parameters for the format
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterWriteFormatDTDInternalEntity ()

int	xmlTextWriterWriteFormatDTDInternalEntity	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
int pe,
const xmlChar * name,
const char * format,
... ...)

Write a formatted DTD internal entity.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
pe: TRUE if this is a parameter entity, FALSE if not
name: the name of the DTD entity
format: format string (see printf)
...: extra parameters for the format
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterWriteFormatElement ()

int	xmlTextWriterWriteFormatElement	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name,
const char * format,
... ...)

Write a formatted xml element.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
name: element name
format: format string (see printf)
...: extra parameters for the format
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterWriteFormatElementNS ()

int	xmlTextWriterWriteFormatElementNS	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * prefix,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * namespaceURI,
const char * format,
... ...)

Write a formatted xml element with namespace support.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
prefix: namespace prefix
name: element local name
namespaceURI: namespace URI
format: format string (see printf)
...: extra parameters for the format
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterWriteFormatPI ()

int	xmlTextWriterWriteFormatPI	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * target,
const char * format,
... ...)

Write a formatted PI.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
target: PI target
format: format string (see printf)
...: extra parameters for the format
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterWriteFormatRaw ()

int	xmlTextWriterWriteFormatRaw	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const char * format,
... ...)

Write a formatted raw xml text.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
format: format string (see printf)
...: extra parameters for the format
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterWriteFormatString ()

int	xmlTextWriterWriteFormatString	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const char * format,
... ...)

Write a formatted xml text.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
format: format string (see printf)
...: extra parameters for the format
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterWritePI ()

int	xmlTextWriterWritePI		(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * target,
const xmlChar * content)

Write an xml PI.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
target: PI target
content: PI content
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterWriteRaw ()

int	xmlTextWriterWriteRaw		(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * content)

Write a raw xml text.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
content: text string
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterWriteRawLen ()

int	xmlTextWriterWriteRawLen	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * content,
int len)

Write an xml text. TODO: what about entities and special chars??

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
content: text string
len: length of the text string
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterWriteString ()

int	xmlTextWriterWriteString	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * content)

Write an xml text.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
content: text string
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatAttribute ()

int	xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatAttribute	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name,
const char * format,
va_list argptr)

Write a formatted xml attribute.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
name: attribute name
format: format string (see printf)
argptr: pointer to the first member of the variable argument list.
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatAttributeNS ()

int	xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatAttributeNS	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * prefix,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * namespaceURI,
const char * format,
va_list argptr)

Write a formatted xml attribute.with namespace support

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
prefix: namespace prefix
name: attribute local name
namespaceURI: namespace URI
format: format string (see printf)
argptr: pointer to the first member of the variable argument list.
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatCDATA ()

int	xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatCDATA	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const char * format,
va_list argptr)

Write a formatted xml CDATA.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
format: format string (see printf)
argptr: pointer to the first member of the variable argument list.
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatComment ()

int	xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatComment	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const char * format,
va_list argptr)

Write an xml comment.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
format: format string (see printf)
argptr: pointer to the first member of the variable argument list.
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatDTD ()

int	xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatDTD	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * pubid,
const xmlChar * sysid,
const char * format,
va_list argptr)

Write a DTD with a formatted markup declarations part.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
name: the name of the DTD
pubid: the public identifier, which is an alternative to the system identifier
sysid: the system identifier, which is the URI of the DTD
format: format string (see printf)
argptr: pointer to the first member of the variable argument list.
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatDTDAttlist ()

int	xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatDTDAttlist	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name,
const char * format,
va_list argptr)

Write a formatted DTD ATTLIST.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
name: the name of the DTD ATTLIST
format: format string (see printf)
argptr: pointer to the first member of the variable argument list.
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatDTDElement ()

int	xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatDTDElement	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name,
const char * format,
va_list argptr)

Write a formatted DTD element.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
name: the name of the DTD element
format: format string (see printf)
argptr: pointer to the first member of the variable argument list.
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatDTDInternalEntity ()

int	xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatDTDInternalEntity	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
int pe,
const xmlChar * name,
const char * format,
va_list argptr)

Write a formatted DTD internal entity.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
pe: TRUE if this is a parameter entity, FALSE if not
name: the name of the DTD entity
format: format string (see printf)
argptr: pointer to the first member of the variable argument list.
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatElement ()

int	xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatElement	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name,
const char * format,
va_list argptr)

Write a formatted xml element.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
name: element name
format: format string (see printf)
argptr: pointer to the first member of the variable argument list.
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatElementNS ()

int	xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatElementNS	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * prefix,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * namespaceURI,
const char * format,
va_list argptr)

Write a formatted xml element with namespace support.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
prefix: namespace prefix
name: element local name
namespaceURI: namespace URI
format: format string (see printf)
argptr: pointer to the first member of the variable argument list.
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatPI ()

int	xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatPI	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * target,
const char * format,
va_list argptr)

Write a formatted xml PI.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
target: PI target
format: format string (see printf)
argptr: pointer to the first member of the variable argument list.
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatRaw ()

int	xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatRaw	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const char * format,
va_list argptr)

Write a formatted raw xml text.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
format: format string (see printf)
argptr: pointer to the first member of the variable argument list.
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatString ()

int	xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatString	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const char * format,
va_list argptr)

Write a formatted xml text.

writer: the xmlTextWriterPtr
format: format string (see printf)
argptr: pointer to the first member of the variable argument list.
Returns: the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error